When You Slip

When you feel yourself slipping, what do you do? When you’ve been doing really well and suddenly the floor starts falling out beneath you, what do you do? When your insecurities sneak in and start whispering in your ear, what do you do?

Do you feed into it? Do you let your mind weave in and around why you’re not enough? Why you’ve never been enough and never will? Do you begin to crawl into yourself and shut others out? Do you fall back on old coping mechanisms and old habits? Do you put yourself in old familiar situations that set you up for a road full of triggers? What do you do?

If it’s any of those things, may I make a suggestion? A suggestion from someone who does all of this way too often.

Love yourself.

Love yourself by putting the phone down and taking a nap to quiet your mind. Love yourself by getting up after and dressed in something that makes you smile. Love yourself with a snack and a cup of hot tea. Love yourself by sitting next to the fire with a pad of paper and pen. Love yourself with the memories: that awesome Chipotle burrito, or shared snap peas in the car and the scent of sandalwood.
Maybe it’s none of those things. Maybe for you, it’s bubble baths, a trip to the movies, a drink with some friends or a long contemplative walk. I don’t know what loving you will look like, but please, I beg you, do it.
And my darling, you are absolutely more than enough.


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