

 Today’s entry is short. I’ve done so much blog reading and YouTube watching this week. There is a lot to consider when converting a van, not to mention when it’s a DIY van conversion. I’m torn in my design as well, my bed, for instance, do I want a full-size queen in the back and use the space underneath as a garage? Or do I make the slide-out couch bed so I have a workspace during the day? That then begs the question as to where the dogs go? Ideally, I want to create a secure kennel beneath my bed so that when I’m driving I can put them away and they can be safe in case of an accident. The kitchen I have pretty much designed; same goes for the storage space. I just need to figure out my bed. 

 In the van community, people name their vans. I have come up with a name for mine: Walter. All of this wanderlust kicked off when I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty directed by Ben Stiller. If you have not seen the film, it's about a man with a monotonous life who goes on an adventure to save his job and win the heart of the girl at work. Along the way, he rediscovers who he is. It’s not the perfect film, but I love the message. Anytime I feel like a failure I pop in this movie and boost myself back up. 
  I hope you all have a fantastic week!


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