A Magical Christmas

I have fallen in love. Like most of my life loves I was super resistant to the idea at first. I grew up with a lot of negative biases towards the city of New York. I’m not going to spend this blog post pinpointing where those came from. Instead, I want to share how wrong I was and how this city has charmed its way into my heart. I have yet to have a bad meal here and the foodie in me is thrilled to death by all the treats I’ve found. Everything is so mesmerizing from the people and places to the lights and sounds — everything is so alive! NYC, you have captured my heart.

This adventure has made me stop and look back over this last year. I am so humbled by all I’ve done this year and all the people I have met. I have grown so much. How amazing it is to be as young as I am and have experienced so much life. I literally know people I can call my friends all over the world. I have seen so many amazing places in my life as a child and adult. During this Christmas season I’m standing in a place that I’ve never been before, but holds pieces from all the people and places I have been and met. 

I feel so loved by all my friends and family. Every single one of you holds a piece of my heart. I hope you all are doing well and are where you want to be right now. Love you all and Merry Christmas!!


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